Ecohouse Group.

The Ecohouses Group has been at the forefront of real estate development since the year 2000 and in the past 20 years has primarily focused on Budapest and some other smaller cities outside the Hungarian capital. Feel free to browse our References to view the detailed list of over 1,000 apartment units built.

Ecohouses Group includes the following investment companies:

  • TRX Consulting Kft.
  • Venticello Kft.
  • Rosalia Ház Kft.
  • Szövetségutca27 Kft.
  • NAVE COM Kft.
  • TIMAC Ingatlan Kft.
  • Le Jardinier Kft.
  • L9 Ingatlanhasznosító Kft.
  • Bulcsu-Bild Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft.

Our Group also includes the following general contractor companies:

  • Tega Bau Kft.
  • Tega Bau Mérnőki iroda Kft.

These companies allow our Group to develop a broad palette of residential properties. We finished our first geothermic building in 2009, and as of today primarily focus on developing buildings that use alternative energy.